Apple benefits

Philippine herbal medicine very unique discovered of queen of fruits Apple, The  Apple and juice very interesting for a good hailing because many minerals of this fruits benefits of the human body.Potassium 35.35%,Sodium 26.09%,Calcium 4.08%,Magnesium 8.75%,Iron 1.40%,Phosphorus 13.59%,Acid Sulfuric 6.09%,Silicon 4.32%...
 How apple fruits hailing?

It is very simple eating apple everyday Apple very aggressive and incredable hailing illnesses problem like tuberculosis,swollen body,headache,fever with animia,heart problem,hermorroid and  etc.
Hipatites,nervous,Salcophinia,rheumatism,artritis,gout,sleep problem,digestion problem,stomach ache,lever problem,larynx problem,gallblader,lung problem.Now do it eating many apple evereday 10 to 40 days and you observe good encredible result for healthy condition lifestyle forever..

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