Eclipta Alba Herbs
In every season of flowering getting and make it dry before saving of flowers. At the time if you needed these herbs no problem because you always ready.
Eclipta alba herbs. The are called herbal all disease,The herbs is unique in other alternative medicine.
The eclipta alba herbs is the best alternative medicine to cure in any disease, Even skin infection, diarrhea and what else.
Part utilized: whole plant.
For hepatitis,lever infection, lever problem, gall bladder, purblind,vomiting blood, hip sickness and blood urination. 4 to 8 grasp of dried plants,boiled 3 glass of water and drink 3 times a day until to heal the pain.
Other idea to skin infection, boiled 4 to 8 grasp of plant in 1 glass of water and wash it the affected area. Even fresh leaves grind and put into affected area.
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