Signs and symptoms of hepatitis A
Symptoms of hepatitis A usually develop between 2 and 6 weeks after infection. The symptoms are usually not too severe and go away on their own, over time. The most common symptoms are as follows:
Centella asiatica
Filipino Term: Takip-kohol
Diarrhea, especially in children
Low-grade fever
Loss of appetite
Tiredness, fatigue
Jaundice - A yellow discoloration of the skin and the whites of the eyes
Urine is dark brownish in color, like cola or strong tea.
Pain in area of liver - On the right side of the abdomen, just under the rib cage
Rich in Vitamin B, it can be eaten as a salad or vegetable dish.
Traditonal Uses:
Infectious hepatitis, measles, respiratory tract infections - colds, tonsillitis, laryngopharyngitis, bronchitis.
· Fresh material: 3 to 10 grasp, dried material: 15grasp: Boil in 2 glass of water and drink 2 time a day.
· Counterirritant: Pound fresh leaves, mix with vaseline or oil and apply over affected area as poultice.
• Wounds and sore: The sap of the leaves is used on wounds and skin sores.
• In many folkloric systems, used for tuberculosis, syphilis, dysentery, hypertension, venous extremity probolems and common cold.
Canna Indica
* a short, mild, flu-like illness.
* nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.
* loss of appetite.
* weight loss.
* jaundice (yellow skin and whites of eyes, darker yellow urine and pale faeces).
* itchy skin.
* abdominal pain.
Principally used in the treatment of acute jaundice type of hepatitis. Use 2 or 3 grasp of fresh material fresh rhizome. boil in 2 glass of water. Commonly, recovery from jaunditic symptoms may be observed after one week of administration.
· Flowers may be used for external wound bleeding - use 10 to 15 gm dried material in decoction.