Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is an aromatic plant that produces rhizome. It is well known as spice particularly in recipes like Nilaga, Halang-halang, Paksiw, Kinilaw, Adobo, and so many other recipes. It is also the main ingredient in making Salabat or Ginger Tea. Besides of being well known as spice, it is also used as medicinal alternative.
It is part of the Zingiberaceae family and is related with turmeric, galangal and cardomon.
It is part of the Zingiberaceae family and is related with turmeric, galangal and cardomon.
What are the Benefits of Ginger?
1. Anti-inflammatory. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective in treating any inflammation illness such as arthritis, lupus, injuries, and inflamed wounds. If treating arthritis and lupus, it is far way better if it is partnered with the Sida-sida tea which is also anti-inflammatory and blood cleanser which can help not just in countering inflammation but also in cleansing blood from inflammatory substances.
2. Anti-Cancer. Ginger contains substances that are anti-oxidant which can reduce the risk in getting cancer. This is the reason why Ginger is good to treat lupus because it only doesn't have anti-inflammatory substance but it also anti-oxidant, considering that lupus patients often gets cancer due to the immunosuppressive drugs they are taking. And for those cancer patients, it doesn't only help them get rid of the cancer cells but also it help them ease their pain with its anti-inflammatory property.
3. Anti-pain or Pain Reliever. Ginger is well known as pain reliever.
4. Anti-Nausea. Ginger is also effective in treating nausea problem whether caused by hyper acidity or by any other illness.
5. Anti-diabetes. Ginger is also effective in lowering blood sugar. Besides of having substance that can improve the pancreas function for the production of insulin, it also serves as blood cleanser from sugar which will be absorb the kidneys as urine.
How to Plant Ginger?
In planting ginger, you need to the mature rhizomes. Just place the ginger rhizome in a soil full of composed or rotted manure, and cover it with soil.
Ginger needs moist soil and fertile. We can do this by using composed made by rice husks, because composed from rice husks are fast water draining. For it to have huge rhizome, make sure that it is shaded but can still get enough indirect lighting.