What is Cancer?
Cancer is a disease which is characterized of the production of tumor or malignant cells due to the uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a body. However, not all diseases called cancer are characterized by malignant tumors. For example the disease in blood called Leukemia is also called cancer but it doesn't have tumors in it.When talking about malignant cells or tumors, it refers to abnormal cells which often formed tumors that spreadingly fast to the normal tissues.
How Cancer Form?
Cancer is form when something interfere with the normal grown of cells which causes it to divide so fast so that it often forms into tumors.The division of cells is actually a normal activity in our body. You see, cell is the most basic that forms into tissues, and tissues form into organs. When something has made the division of cells into an abnormal phase, the disease is called cancer.
What Causes Cancer?
Experts points out many causes of cancer. They said that cancer is a kind of gene mutation. It can not be inherited, however, it has the possibility that ones a parent had cancer, his or her offspring might have too in a way that the gene characteristics is being inherited from a parent to the children. But it is not necessarily that the cancer is being inherited, only the gene characteristics. So, if the parent's gene is prone to cancer, then the same is true to the offspring spring.Cancer start to exist in a person through triggers. Such triggers are smoking, radiation, viruses, carcinogens or those chemicals that can cause cancer, hormonal imbalance, chronic inflammation such as those with Lupus, etc.
Cure of Cancer
There is no actual cure of Cancer, but they can be controlled and put into remission. The most common way of controlling the spread of cancer is by the use of chemo-drugs and the procedure is called chemotherapy. Another way of controlling it by the use of a certain kind of radiation.Are there any natural or herbal remedies to control if not eliminate cancer?
There are many known herbs, plants and natural remedies to fight and control cancer. But in recent discovery, it was found out that the skin of Guyabano contains a substance that is capable of eliminating cancer cells.Other remedies, you can find them here in this blog like: