Best benefits of Banana

The best benefits of Banana, is  super  natural wash out of  plenty  uric acid inside the body system. Banana is reach of Vitamin like A,B,C,E , G and  many  salt mineral sodium,magnesium,silicon,phosporuss,sulfur and chloride.The super benefits of Banana is good to adult and young people to cure of stomach problem,
rheumatism,artritis,gout,paralytic,constipation,diarrhea,gallstone,lever problem,kidney problem,nephritis and nervous.To all fat people I advice eating Banana everyday and not to eat any kind of food except Banana in 15 days.Eating banana three times a day and increase five banana every to Eat. Complete 15 days eating banana gradually minus to eat banana one banana every to eat and all uric acid wash out in your body system.

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